Saturday, December 8, 2012

Yo-yo quilt 1 year update

165 blocks completed on my yo-yo quilt!  The completed quilt will have 400 blocks.  I decided to count them tonight to see how much progress I've made.  I started this project at Christmastime last year, so in one year I have made almost half as many blocks as I need (we will round up generously!), which I think is pretty good progress, especially considering all of the other projects I undertook this year.  I expect this quilt to take about 3 years to complete.  Each block consists of a hand-sewn yo-yo, made in various sizes (for the tiniest size I put 3 on a block) hand sewn onto a 3.5" background square.  It is made entirely of scraps, and I marked 0.25" seam lines on each background square so that I can hand-piece the quilt.  If you are interested in learning more about this quilt, I have more details on my earlier post, which can be found here.